
viernes, 28 de noviembre de 2014

Challenge 11: Infography for teacher´s day

Today, you have an important challenge to do. You have to create an infography to explain the qualities of the perfect teacher. How is the perfect teacher for you? happy?, creative? logical? serious? intelligent? kind?...
Now, it is the turn to include all your ideas about teachers in a poster explaining it through visual and words. Then send it to my mail pelesa2@hotmail.com


miércoles, 26 de noviembre de 2014

Cooperative work: twins technique

Children in pairs, have to say a sentence and write exactly the same.  First, one student starts and both write the same sentence, they check if their sentence is correct and  equal. Then, it is the turn for the other student.

Oral game: Battleships

Children play in pairs to discover where his or her friend hides   places of the city.

martes, 25 de noviembre de 2014


Why do American people celebrate Thanksgiving? Learn about their history

Macy´s parade is the most important in New York. There are balloons, actors, music.... It is amazing!

Play Thanksgiving games

jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Inphographics: Recipes for a perfect film



Children create their own inphographs to talk about the important elements for a perfect film.

Where do these film characters live?

Children are architects and they have to create beautiful cities for very famous film characters.They build a city for: Shrek, The Simpsons, Garfield, Frozen, Avatar, Aladin, Superheroes, Bob Sponge, The Surfs, and the Flinstones

Boardgame about the city

Children enjoy and learn with this funny boardgame about city

Cooperative work ( folio giratorio)

In this activity children have to write a text about their city in a cooperative way. Each student takes a word and writes a sentence with it. Then, the next student corrects the sentences if it is necessary, and  he / she continues with a new one.
When they finish with all the words, they organize it and copy the final group text in the paper provided by the teacher, so all the group has the same text. That is a great way to adapt a writing activity to all levels in a group

domingo, 16 de noviembre de 2014

sábado, 15 de noviembre de 2014

miércoles, 12 de noviembre de 2014

Zooburst about the cinema by Irene Romera

A student has created this wonderful Zooburst story about the cinema

lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

Oral activities about cities

Children use their learning about there is / there are and prepositions in this simple activity

viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

Challenge 8: Face in a hole

Face in a hole

In this challenge, children have a great opportunity to edit some photos to create a different identity about themselves.  It is really cool and amazing!! 
Choose some film character and enjoy it!! Then, send me a mail : pelesa2@hotmail.com



Lectura de códigos QR en el aula


Children learn how to use QR codes with a learning purpose. They have to investigate about some important monuments in the world. A great activity!!

lunes, 3 de noviembre de 2014

Town mouse, country mouse



Let´s Walk in the city!!

There are a lot of films related to cities. Cities are  very important parts of the cinema culture.  We can visit a city sitting in a cinema. Let´s remember some: George of the Jungle, Indiana Jones and the Lost city; King kong, or The wizard of Oz

Places in a city vocabulary from Maricel Arriagada

We work on vocabulary related to the city.