
jueves, 18 de junio de 2015

We are actors and actresses!!

6B class  plays " Robin Hood" play script. Let´s watch it!!

The children of 6A play "Time machine " and " Snow White". Let´s watch them!!

Students from 5B play "Indians and Cowboys " film. It is amazing!!

Students from 5A play " The Mouse´s love" and "The new Emperor´s clothes"

Videoconference with our Segovia´s friends

This morning we have met Segovia school´s students. They have spoken in English and asked some information. They used ZOOM app. They were glad with this activitiy

miércoles, 17 de junio de 2015

Trailer for last day films

School will change into a huge cinema.  Classrooms will be cinema theatre rooms and different films will be shown for students to choose and see them,  and eat popcorns.

Our students created their own films , they were actors and actresses during one day,  so they will be glad their friends see their acting . Let´s watch the trailer !!

martes, 16 de junio de 2015

Animals under the sea

Children play this simple game, in which they have to create an animal under the sea.

  • they throw their dice
  • they read the information related to the number 
  • they collect all the information
  • they draw the animal it was said.

lunes, 15 de junio de 2015


Games and playing is very important for children. This is the reason for our students to create their own Jumanji board games .
Within this game kids have to create :

  • Questions or challenges for players
  • counters
  • the board game
  • instructions
It is a great way for them to revise and use their linguistic skills in a creative and significative way. So, they focus on:
  • cooperative work
  • writing questions
  • writing instructions using commands
  • communicative oral skills: listening and speaking
It is in fact, the best way to evaluate our students´knowledge and skills.


Children creating their instructions, boardgames, questions, counters, challenges...

viernes, 12 de junio de 2015

Challenge: Go animate

This is the last challenge of the school year. It is amazing and shows your talent within digital and linguistic contents.

  • First, click on Go Animate
  • Register yourself
  • Create a new video
  • Choose characters, locations, dialogues... 
  • Send it to my mail ( pelesa2@hotmail.com)
Alvaro Quiñonero has created an incredible one

The work

by CARLOS PERAN on GoAnimate

Carlos Peran´s movie

miércoles, 10 de junio de 2015

Listening about animals

Listen this audio and answer  the questions. Learn about animals in Great Britain

Now, listen to the audio and click on the correct answer. 

viernes, 5 de junio de 2015

Our Rock zoo

Children classify and speak about animals by creating them with rocks:

  • First, they collect stones from their houses or playground
  • Then, they imagine which animal the stone represents better.
  • They create a design for it.
  • Then, they paint it
  • Finally, they classify animals, speak about it and create a zoo.

Challenge: National Geographic kids

Click on the image and read about a lot of articles related to animals, nature and lots of other interesting topics.
National Geographic is one of the most important scientific magazine. Find out amazing information about animals and tell us about it next Monday in class.

martes, 2 de junio de 2015

Animals craft to write

Students create their favorite animal´s face to write about them.

lunes, 1 de junio de 2015

Strange animals

Our students will find out information about strange animals using computers. The aims of this activity are:

  • To develop digital competence
  • To develop our students´ ability to read and extract specific information
  • To write a text with the information given.
  • To prepare a guideline to speak about animals and record their speeches.