
viernes, 29 de enero de 2016

Challenge 19: creating an animated gift

Children love animated gift, but how can they create their own ones?

You can do it in different ways: using computers or using mobile phones ( using an app)
Today, we are going to learn how to do it with your computer or laptop.

1. Watch the tutorial video
2. Think about some creative idea
3. Take some photos or take them from the web
4. Click on this GIPHY
5. Register in the website
6. Click on Create a slideshow
7. Upload your images, edit and add some text related to the photos
8. When you finish, click on create a slideshow
9. Finally, copy the embed code and send it to my mail ( pelesa2@hotmail.com). Add your name and class, please

jueves, 28 de enero de 2016

Indian crafts

Philleas Fogg travelled to India and we are traveling around the World with this wonderful novel. India is a beautiful place, and our students are learning a lot about it: its food, its monuments, traditions...

Children surf the web to learn information about India and then, we write the new concepts we learn in a mind map.


Finally, our kids create beautiful crafts using Indian designs: they decorate Indian elephants and Indian braceletes to use in their Carnival parade

Speaking class

Children play domino game using reading strategies . They have to match images with the appropriate text.

martes, 26 de enero de 2016

WRITING: Whatsapp conversation

Our friends: Ouda and Philleas Fogg are chatting on the phone. What are they talking about?
Children create amazing conversations

Our daily routines presentations

Children create their own daily routines presentations to show to their classmates.

lunes, 25 de enero de 2016

Time around the World

Students practice with their clocks the different times around the World.

  • First, they read and learn about the time zones
  • Then, they do the worksheet about the text
  • Third, they do a pair oral activity to practice with their clocks
  • Finally, the expose their clocks in the school hall to show all what they have learnt.

viernes, 22 de enero de 2016

Challenge 19: Timeline

In this challenge, you are going to create your own timeline using your daily routines. You can use Internet images or your own photos to do it.

Let´s watch the tutorial video and learn how to do it.


  1. Watch the tutorial video
  2. Prepare some photos or images about daily routines
  3. Go to Timeline website
  4. Create your own timeline : write your name and your project title
  5. Create at least 10 different routines
  6. Finally, send your project to my mail : pelesa2@hotmail.com

Art and crafts:Hot air balloons

Travelling around the World is very difficult if we don´t have means of transports: planes, cars, bikes, motorbikes, buses, lorries , undergrounds... are a great help for people to travel from place to place.

Today, we learn about hot air balloons reading a wonderful text about it . Then,  we will create a great craft using our own photos.  This activity is relaxing and amazing and it gives us the opportunity to learn , and show our creative talents.





miércoles, 20 de enero de 2016

Oral class: daily routines games

To practice daily routines and times we use some games.

The first game is a very simple and funny board game, in which students speak about times and  daily routines. Instructions are very clear and they can´t use Spanish .

From ISL Collective

In the second game , students have to use the hoops to compare their daily routines. 

  • They use pieces of paper or post -  its to write their daily routines and the time they do it. 
  • They read the text and they put the papers in the correct place . They will put it in the middle if they do the same activity at the same time. 


lunes, 18 de enero de 2016

Podcast 2

Class 6A create the second podcast for "English radio channel"

What time is it? / What´s the time, please?

Within this activity you can practice about time . Click on the link and do the different activities

Let´s practice

Once you have learnt about telling the time, let´s see different World time zones

What´s the time around the World?

viernes, 15 de enero de 2016

Challenge 18 : Practice and learn

It´s the moment to improve your vocabulary and check how much you know about daily routines.
Click on the link and practice !!

Click and practice

Now , answer the following questions.

jueves, 14 de enero de 2016

Emotions games

Our students play with feelings and emotions. We use these board games to practice vocabulary, to express feelings, and to talk about how we feel in different situations.

Emotions games

How do you feel today? . 

  1. Children create emotions and feeling faces  using  play dough . 
  2. Then, they play an emotion board game .


Our English radio channel: Podcast 1

"English is on the air" is our classroom radio channel. Children create their own radio scripts and edit their own radio podcasts and programmes.

The creation of podcasts with children is a great resource for our English class.

  • It develops language skills
  • It develops cooperative work
  • It develops self evaluation 
  • It improves entonation, pronunctiation....
  • It gives students the opportunity to use language in a real context and in a significant way

miércoles, 13 de enero de 2016

Writing practice

Now, it is the moment our students practice and write about daily routines and present simple . As we are learning about the project "Around the Word in 80 days" we use the Spanish cartoons characters to motivate our pupils.

martes, 12 de enero de 2016

Daily routines

Watch this video about Marina´s daily routines. Learn about her and practice vocabulary.

lunes, 11 de enero de 2016

Daily routines

Students do a collaborative activity to elicit themselves vocabulary about daily routines. What do they know about the vocabulary?
They complete the following chart using a collaborative strategy called 1-2-3. Then, they watch the video and complete their charts with extra vocal.