
jueves, 28 de noviembre de 2019

Thanksgiving videos

Students watch some videos about Thanksgiving day. Then, they read a text about Thanksgiving story and they put it in order.

miércoles, 27 de noviembre de 2019

Disguise the turkey

This is a great activity to develop creativity. Students have to disguise their own turkeys. They can create any different design . The most creative will get an extra point in Class Dojo.


Sherlock Holmes vs Hercules Poirot

Let´s watch this video and compare both detectives. Then, read the text and complete the chart.


ISL Collective

lunes, 25 de noviembre de 2019

Comparatives tutorial video

Let´s watch this video and learn how to use comparatives.

Let´s practice


viernes, 22 de noviembre de 2019


This is a great challenge!!! For this challenge, you need:

  • only a mobile phone

  1. Watch the tutorial video and create a similar video about your favorite room. 
  2. When you finish, share your video with the teacher  by whatssapp. My telephone number is in the tutorial video.

Students video

Written creativity

An open door to our favorite rooms. Students write about their favorite rooms and draw them using some perspective technique. They try to give us as many details as they can.


jueves, 21 de noviembre de 2019

Speaking about house

Students practice vocabulary and grammar related to homes and room description using two different oral activities.
First, in pairs, they do a picture dictation about a room. They need to give as many details as they can: colors, size, furniture, proposition...

Second, they use a boardgame to practice about vocabulary and questions.

miércoles, 20 de noviembre de 2019

Art and crafts: crime scene

Students create this wonderful craft using the topic: crime scene. They have lo adapt this art technique to the crime scene and their characters.


lunes, 18 de noviembre de 2019

Video watching

Let´s watch this video about Sherlock Holmes history and do the activities.

British council


miércoles, 13 de noviembre de 2019

Challenge: Typorama

What is your talent? What are you good at?
We want to discover your talent and you show it to us using this app: "Typorama". Read these instructions carefully and get the challenge:

  • Watch the tutorial video.
  • Download the app "Typorama"
  • Take a photo doing your talent.
  • Edit this photo using the app Typorama.
  • Add some text: I am good at .....
  • When you finish, send it to the teacher by mail or by whatsapp.

Lie or true?

For a detective is very important to know when people is not saying the truth. Body language and some voice details can be the clue to catch a liar.
Using this board game, our students will say true or lies about different topics. Who is the best liar?

ISL Collective

Art and crafts

What can you see through the keyhole?

Try to be creative and draw some interesting images at the other side of the door. Here, you are some examples.


domingo, 10 de noviembre de 2019

Crime scene

First, our students revise grammar contents (There is and There are// prepositions) with the use of these videos.

Now, students look at these images and talk about them. 

viernes, 8 de noviembre de 2019

Detective puzzle

Watch this puzzles and decide the correct options. Are you a good detective? Let´s check!

Once, we have practiced our detective skills, it is the moment to work on secret codes. 
How many kind of codes do you know to communicate with others?
What do you know about secret codes?
Let´s practices spelling secret codes!!

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2019

WHo is who?

This a very popular game and our students love it. We can practices lot of vocabulary and grammar using it.

miércoles, 6 de noviembre de 2019

Art and crafts

An important criminal is wanted. Draw his or her portrait and talk about him or her.
Why is he or she so dangerous?
What does he or she look like?
Give us as many details as you can. Police is going to find him/her!!


Detectives are good at inferences. They practice a lot, and train their mind. If you want to be a good detective, try to solve this reading maze.

ISL Collective