
jueves, 19 de diciembre de 2019

Christmas cards

Writing and sending cards at Christmas is one of the best tradition at this time. Our students create their own cards to give them to their friends.
We use the idea and printable from krokotak webside for the reindeer.
Then, they learn how to create nice titles and hadwriting, watching the tutorial video made by Lucia and Sofia.


martes, 17 de diciembre de 2019

Christmas carols

Listen to these carols and complete the activities.

viernes, 13 de diciembre de 2019

What is Santa wearing?

In pairs, students do a picture dictation about Santa´s clothes. Fun and creativity is part of this activity. Children enjoy it a lot!!


Christmas crafts

Students use magic scratch paper to create beautiful Christmas tree ornaments. Each student create their own decoration so they can put on their Christmas trees.


miércoles, 11 de diciembre de 2019

Qr codes detectives reading

Students complete a famous detectives album searching information through  QR codes. They use mobile devices to read QR codes and go to the webs provided. Then, they complete the information they need and stick the image of the famous detective.


Vocabulary paper chains

4th level students create paper chains using lexis about food. The group who gets the longest chain, is the winner.

Vocabulary paper ball

A paper ball with lot of vocabulary about Christmas in on the students tables. They have to write down as many words as they can see without touching them or blowing. It is a really funny game students love and a great way to introduce or reinforces vocabulary.

jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019

Challenge: creating badgets

A good detective need a badget to be identified. For this challenge, you will design your own badget using your favorite colors, icons...

Let´s watch the tutorial video and do what is explained.

Playing with comparatives

Today, students play different games using comparatives. Games and oral activities help students to use foreign language in a meaningful way.

miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2019

How to be a good detective?

In groups, students take decisions about how to be a good detective. They write affirmative and negative sentences about qualities and characteristics of a good detective.

Suspects description

Students write about some suspects using "pair dictation technique". In pairs, students say a sentence to their mates and they write them down. They have to use comparatives in all their sentences.