
lunes, 27 de marzo de 2023

Making plans

Weekend plans, una ficha interactiva de ab25



Tom Holland, una ficha interactiva de konreni

lunes, 20 de marzo de 2023

Van Gogh´s sunflowers

 Kids draw this famous painting step by step. Let´s watch this video and learn how to do it.

5th level students will learn how to create the 3D Van Gogh´s chair. Then we will do a display about this prolific artist in the school.

jueves, 16 de marzo de 2023

Past simple activities


Past simple (irregular verbs)

 Let´s watch the video and answer the questions.

lunes, 13 de marzo de 2023

Visit from university students

 Today, students from the University of Murcia, has come to our school to do activities with the groups of 5th and 6th level. 

They tell stories, the practice speaking and writing, they participate in roleplays....

miércoles, 8 de marzo de 2023

How to draw a balloon dog?

 Students follow the video instructions and draw a balloon dog using vibrant colors. 

Beatriz Romera´s visit

 The painter, Beatriz Romera has visited our school exposition for the women day and she has shown her beautiful artwork. She has explained how she paints, her techniques and materials. Students love this activity and they have asked lots of interesting questions.

martes, 7 de marzo de 2023

Women day exposition

 This school year, we are focus on art so for our school exposition, students have recognised famous women painters artwork along the story.

- Mary Cassatt

- Frida Kahlo

- Hilma af Klint

- Georgia O´keffe

- Yayoi Kusama

Collaborative presentations

 Students create collaborative presentations about women painters. In groups of 4 students they read the biography of famous female artists and create presentations using Google slides.

miércoles, 1 de marzo de 2023

Collaborative biographies wall

 Students create short texts about important people using information facts cards. They show their works in a collaborative wall (Padlet)