
martes, 24 de septiembre de 2024

All about me portrait

 Students create portraits to give personal information about themselves. They talk about :

- Their names, age , place of living

- their families.

- physical descriptions.

- likes and dislikes.

- hobbies...

Using a multimodal design helps students to use language in a creative and more natural way.


jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2024

All about me writing chain

Students talk about their personal information using question cards. Then, we play a funny boardgame about themeselves and finally , they practice writing skill using simple short sentences about their personal information to create a classroom chain.


This is our wonderful Region

 Murcia is a great Region: beaches, monuments, traditions, great food... Let´s came and enjoy it!

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2024

Let´s dance

 Warming up for English class is really funny. We start classes singing and dancing for students to be prepare to use the language.

Initial evaluation

 Today, we use Plickers to know how good is our students English level. We do a simple initial evaluation where students show their knowledge about grammar, vocabulary  and listening skills.

martes, 10 de septiembre de 2024

Our English cover

 Students watch this tutorial video and draw Big Ben to prepare their classroom folder.


viernes, 6 de septiembre de 2024

Wellcome back to school

For this school year, the project is.....

We will know our Region very deeply: it´s traditions, food, festivals, important peole... Students will have the opportunity to compare the two languages and cultures.