
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Around the world in 80 days

Today, we start our project : "Around the World in 80 days" . We watch this video about cartoons based on the famous novel, and then we shall create a very important element to start travelling around the world: our passports

Children create this craft to start with the project : Around the World in 80 days.

First, they complete and color their passports
Then , they cut them  up
And finally , they stick in their blue papers.



Dinámica grupal: 1,2,4

Los alumnos deberán completar en 3 minutos, de manera individual, las categorías léxicas que se les pide. Una vez que lo han hecho, les daremos nuevamente 3 minutos para que por parejas completen cada uno de sus esquemas con las opciones de ambos y las nuevas que se les vayan ocurriendo. Finalmente, harán lo mismo en grupos de 4 alumnos, de modo que completen totalmente sus esquemas.

Esta dinámica facilita el trabajo cooperativo además del aprendizaje significativo y enriquecimiento personal

Oral class: talking cards

Students describe people using the information from the cards. They have to speak about names, age, likes, dislikes, physical descriptions...

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

Let´s start our Project: Around the World in 80 days

Let´s watch this video. Philleas Fogg travels around the world in 80 days.

When did he start his trip?
Where is he from?

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

All together now

Let´s sing this beautiful song all together now!!

domingo, 27 de septiembre de 2015

It´s Autumn time!!

In Autumn it is windy, rainy and cold. Leaves fall from trees and change their colours. We celebrate Halloween and we can eat nuts and apples in fall.
It is a beautiful season.
Let´s play with leaves!!

Creativity is a very important tool in school. Develop it, is an aim for all teachers, so we propose this activity to make students think about different uses of leaves. 

jueves, 24 de septiembre de 2015

Challenge 3: Introducing myself

Write about your personal information.  Don´t forget adding your name and your photo.

miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015

Listen and guess

Listen carefully and guess who is the person they are talking about.


Click and play

martes, 22 de septiembre de 2015

My body

Let´s watch this video and revise body parts vocabulary

Maths about me

We are numbers and letters. Numbers are around us. Children think about their numbers in personal information.


Our classroom rules

Children talk about the importance of rules in class. They decide their rules and create this craft.



jueves, 17 de septiembre de 2015

Challenge 2: Let´s play!

This challenge is very simple and funny. Just click and show how much you know about school.

Click and play

Click and play

Describing people

Students describe people using post-its notes to stick on friend´s body parts. They have to write one sentence trying not to repeat the other student´s  ones.  

Word game

Students revise alphabet and create words about vocabulary they have learnt or they already know. They can borrow their letters to their mates.

Class Dojo in class

Emotions, good attitudes, excellent behaviours in class,  is very important to learn in an appropriate atmosphere.

Class Dojo gives us the opportunity to control attendance, behaviours, our works... Students really love it, and it is a help for us to check our improvement.

Reading corner

Reading is a great momento to enjoy and learn. Our library and Reading corner is a place to enjoy and focus on books .


miércoles, 16 de septiembre de 2015

How to be a good student?

These are my students inphographies about parts of the body for a good student. Students in groups of 4 write about how body parts help them at school.



domingo, 13 de septiembre de 2015

School supplies

Watch this video and talk about your classroom objects and supplies.


Let´s practice!

Do you really know your classmates?

After summer time, students show if they really know  their classmates and friends with these simple sentences.


We don´t forget homeworks!

For our students not to forget to do their first challenge, here we are this  homework brazalette with the name of our blog. This is a great idea for those students who are new in my class.


Let´s play

Let´s play Back to school Hangman!!. Think about school supplies and objects and be careful with your spelling decisions. 

Click and play

jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2015

Challenge 1: Questionnaire

Para empezar con el primer reto de este curso, sólo tendrás que completar este sencillo cuestionario. Las preguntas que tienen una estrellita roja al lado debes contestarlas obligatoriamente.

¡ Ánimo, sólo te llevará cinco minutitos!

miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015

First school day: our aims for school year

Today,  it´s the first day of this school year. We are happy and excited. All of us have different aims for this school year.
What is your aim?