
viernes, 27 de marzo de 2020

Challenge: creating a rainbow

We are living a difficult moment, but with our effort and help everything will be right again and a new rainbow will shine.

To show everyone, we believe in a better future, we are going to create our own rainbows using only material we have in our houses. DON´T BUY ANYTHING!!

1. First, look for different colours items in your bedroom or your house (food, clothes, toys...)
2. Then, put the together to create a beautiful rainbow.
3. Take a photo and send it to your teacher by email.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

Activities for 4th level

Click in this image and do the activities proposed by teacher Patricia.

jueves, 19 de marzo de 2020

Challenge: Creating an infographic

Create an infographic with some ideas to protect people from Coronavirus.

1. First, watch the tutorial video and learn how to create a Canva infographic.
2. Then, think about some tips to protect people. For example:

  • wash your hands.
  • Stay at home
  • ......?
3. Add text and images to ilustrate your tips. Choose colors, fonts...

4. Finally, when you finish, download and send it to your teacher.

miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

Para los alumnos de 4º EP

Click on this image and do the activities. Stay at home!!

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020


CLick on the following links  and practice past simple tense with the activities provided.


viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020

 Debido a las circunstancias especiales que estamos viviendo en estos momentos en las familias y la escuela, desde el próximo lunes  día 16 de marzo, iremos subiendo en el blog las actividades que debéis ir haciendo  día a día. No queremos saturaros de trabajo, pero sí que tengáis una rutina diaria para que podáis continuar con vuestra formación.  Sabemos que no estáis acostumbrados a esta metodología y por eso iremos poco a poco. El ritmo de aprendizaje lo ponéis vosotros, pero nuestro consejo es que intentéis ser organizados y planifiquéis un horario de trabajo diario. Eso será muy bueno para vosotros y vuestras familias. 
Sois la generación de internet y desde ahora deberéis ir aprendiendo a utilizar la formación online como una herramienta de aprendizaje más que os acompañará el resto de vuestra vida académica  y laboral.

Todos sabéis como contactar con las maestras y os pedimos que utilicéis cualquiera de esas vías para consultarnos las dudas que tengáis: emails, videoconferencias, comentarios en el blog... Aquí estaremos para ayudaros en todo lo necesario.

¡Ánimo y quédate en casa! 

Climate challenge

From English class, we are worried about the Climate Change. We want to be  active part and collaborate for a better World.  How can we do it?

Students and their families will have to choose 3 of these actions and do them at least during 2 weeks.Then, they will take some photos to show us how they change their climate habits. 
They will get this reusable bag for shopping with the logo our student Lucía García created.

miércoles, 11 de marzo de 2020

Women for art

Students choose one of their inspirational women and draw their portrait to decorate the school hall.

Today,  20 students of  the university of Murcia, have visited our school to do different activities with our students in class. They have act different traditional plays and tales for students to enjoy and interact with them using a really meaningful language context.
Then, they have done many other activities related to the story and how to build up stories.


martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Inspirational women display

Students learn about some important women and they create beautiful displays and lapbooks to introduce them to their school mates.


Our ancestors

Students use past simple affirmative and negative using this funny writing activity.
- First, they watch a video about ancestors

- Second, edit their photos using the app AgingBooth and we print all the pictures.
- Finally, they write simple sentences using past simple of the verb to be or regular verbs. They write about what their ancestors did or didn´t do.


viernes, 6 de marzo de 2020

Challenge: Agingbooth

Have you ever asked yourself about how you will be when you are old?
How will be your face?
With this challenge , you will discover it.

- First, download the app "Agingbooth" in your mobile device.
- Second, take a photo or choose one from your camera roll.
- Third, use the app to change your image and age yourself.
- Finally, save your image and send it to your teacher.

Biography organizers

Students start to write their first biographies with the help of organizers. For this activity, we are going to use the cooperative technique 1-2-4.

  • First, students read the same text (10 min) about a famous woman. They can underline main ideas and also take some notes.
  •  Second, each student save their reading worksheet in their folders and start to complete the writing organizers. (8min)
  • When they finish this part of the activity ( 6 min) , they work in pairs and do the same in order to complete their organizers with more information. 
  • Finally, in gorups of 4, they add their charts with the information of the rest of their mates. (5 min)


They can use different color pens to complete their texts.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2020

Let´s listen

Students watch this video and do the activities provided.


Conversations about past.