
jueves, 28 de abril de 2016

Challenge: writing an e-mail

This challenge is very useful for our students to learn how to write an e - mail.
All them have an Google account , so they have to send a mail to the teacher  following these steps:

  • First, open your email account
  • Write your teacher email address ( pelesa2@hotmail.com)
  • Complete subject and the body text
  • Organize your information: Introduce yourself, write about your daily routine, write about what you are doing at the moment,  write about the weather, and what you are wearing, talk about your family or your school..... say goodbye.

Some students´mails

Art and crafts: clothes

Children create this funny and simple craft to talk about clothes and what people are wearing. As we are learning about Around the World in 80 days, kids use different countries and nationalities for their  toilet paper dolls.





Listening test

Listen to this podcast and answer the following activities.

Podcast 1

Podcast 2

miércoles, 27 de abril de 2016

Writing: What are you wearing?

Students finish the drawing and write about what he is wearing. Then, they will show their creations and read it for their friends. 

domingo, 24 de abril de 2016

What are you doing?

Children ask their families about what they are doing. Thanks to all the families to participate and collaborate for this funny activity. 

viernes, 22 de abril de 2016

Art and crafts: Creating books

Our students create their own stories and their own books with art materials. To make their books they :

  1. In groups, children create their stories
  2. Children have to take decisions in groups about its format , materials to use, ...
  3. They share their team work and every member in the team has a responsibility. 
  4. Th group presents and reads the book created.

Podcast 8: English is on the air

Today, students edit podcast 8 . It´s a special radio programme for the celebration of the Book Day

martes, 19 de abril de 2016

Present continous practice

At this moment, students do two different tasks:

  1. First , they practice present continuous using the following website

Interactive activities

  1. After 30 minutes, students will create an animation movie using Flipa Clip app ( it is installed in their mobile devices)

Practising present continuous using FlipaClip. These are some of the students animated films

Songs for 6th level students

Listen to this songs and complete the activities. 

lunes, 18 de abril de 2016

viernes, 15 de abril de 2016

Challenge: Zooburst stories

Students create pop up stories using Zooburst .

  • Go to Zooburst website
  • Register in the web with a PERSONAL ACCOUNT
  • Log in with your mail and password.
  • Then, create a new book
  • Edit and choose : backgrounds, colors, icons, elements, characters....
  • Create at least 5 pages
  • Write a text in each page 
  • Write a dialogue or a text in characters bubbles.
  • Finally, save and share it by mail to the teacher ( pelesa2@hotmail.com) 

Daniel´s zooburst

Patricia´s zooburst

Angel´s zooburst

Sergio´s zooburst

Rocio´s zooburst

Ana Rocio´s zooburst

jueves, 14 de abril de 2016

Art and craft: We are the World

Children will create a globe using their hands as a symbol of peace and love. Every body in the World is important and our students know it. For this activity, we need:

  • Pencils and rubbers
  • Crayons or feltips
  • scissors and glue
  • colour papers 
  • our creativity
This activity is  very easy to do and it is a great way to develop their creativity and drawing skills, as well as making  students aware of the importance of peace in the World and their positive attitudes with the others. 


miércoles, 13 de abril de 2016

We are writers : collaborative stories

On Thursday, 5th level students create their collaborative stories using Storybird. This app is awasome and it gives us the opportunity to collaborate and create wonderful tales or stories. For this activity our students :

  • Work in pairs using a computer

  • Then, they log in with the mail address and password given by the teacher.
  • They choose the type of art and the type of book they are going to create.
  • Then, they only write one part of the story,  so the other 5th level  group finishes the last part. 
  • At the end, they evaluate their work using a rubric. 

Writing a letter for our Turkish pen friends

6th level students write a letter to their Turkish pen friends.


  1. First, they know the names of their pen friends.
  2. Second, they practice how to write a letter using the writing guideline.
  3. Thirdly, they write down their letters and the teacher corrects them.
  4. Then, they decorate their letters and add some photos or stickers .
  5. Finally, we send the letters 



Our students create their Facebook pages. They need to write about:

  • personal information
  • give information about their experiences 
  • show their friends

Writing Whatsapp

Our students of 5th level write Whatsapps conversation between Ouda and Philleas Fogg. They can use abbreviations, icons, ....

viernes, 8 de abril de 2016

Challenge: What do you know about Jules Verne?

This week, students have two different challenges.

  1. First one : complete the Padlet wall with some information about Jules Verne. It is very easy. Write information and add some interesting image .
  2. Second challenge: Create a Voki avatar about Jules Verne. 


  • Choose an avatar
  • Edit it. Choose clothes, hair, eyes color..
  • Write a short text about Jules Verne. For example: Hello!! I am Jules Verne. I am from France. I am a writer, I love science fiction....
  • When you finish it, share it by mail with the teacher ( pelesa2@hotmail.com)
  • That´s all!! You get two extra points in Class Dojo

jueves, 7 de abril de 2016

Our stories come alive

Our students read their stories ( they created them yesterday)  and paint their hands with the main characters and objects. Then, they tell it to the rest of the classmates. 

Art and crafts: creating books

Students, in groups, create their stories in the previous lesson. They write a story with  words from cards. Then, they will create their own books stories.

They have to decide how is the design of their books or tales, and then they will have to share their responsibilities in the group.


  • scissors , and glue
  • crayons, feltips
  • craft papers. 

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Creative collaborative stories

Children write a story with the verbs they take from cards. They have to use and practice past tense. We use the cooperative strategy : folio giratorio

martes, 5 de abril de 2016

Writing practice

Practicing writing is very important for our students. They need to feel confident when writing, so we can use some easy activities and strategies for them to start writing.

In groups, students will complete these writing challenge.

Podcast 7: English is on the air

Our students create a new radio podcast. The topic is animals. They talk about wild animals, their adaptations, animals stories, insects....

Create a mind map about clothes

  1. First, click on the following Symbaloo links and revise and learn vocabulary about clothes. 
  2. Then, create a Mindmap with POPPLET with all vocabulary  about clothes. 
  3. The students who  create the biggest mind map will win an amazing Award Certificate.

Have you learnt new vocabulary ? Now, create your own POPPLET mind map

Create your mind map

lunes, 4 de abril de 2016

Listening test

Students do their listening tests to evaluate their listening skill.

5th level listening test

6th level listening test

Let´s practice!!

Now, it is the turn to practice the grammar contents we have learnt in previous lessons. Students use the tablets to practice individually.

Past simple (6th level)

Present Simple ( 5th level)

Jules Verne mind map

What do you know about Jules Verne? What have you learnt?
Students help teacher to create a mind map with the information they have read and watched about our prolific writer.

We use Popplet to create our Mind map

domingo, 3 de abril de 2016

Jules Verne´s biography

Today, students learn about the author of the novel "Around the World in 80 days".

  1. First, they read the text about the author.
  2. Second, they answer the questions and create his timeline 
  3. Thirdly, they watch the video about Jules Verne´s biography to take notes in groups about some extra information. 

viernes, 1 de abril de 2016

Challenge: listening practice

This is a different challenge. You only need to click the link and do all the activities.

Are you good at listening in English? Let´s check it!!

  1. Click on the link
  2. Do all the activities
  3. Send me a mail talking about if you have any problems at listening ( pelesa2@hotmail.com). 
  • For example: Hello teacher!! My name is ..... I did the challenge. It is very simple / difficult. I have a problem with activity number ..... I like this challenge / I don´t like this challenge. I am good at listening/ I am not good at listening. Bye!!


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